Upcoming Events

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Dear folklore enthusiasts and friends of KOLO, we’re excited to announce SFE KOLO’s 55th Annual Concert taking place on November 2, 2024 @ 5:30PM at the McIntyre Performing Arts Centre (135 Fennell Ave W, Hamilton, ON).
This year we are thrilled to be welcoming our dear friends KUD Rastko London all the way from London, England! KUD Rastko, alongside other friends of SFE KOLO will be joining our festivities this year to put on an unforgettable show!
Following our program, we encourage you to join us at the Serbian-Canadian Community Centre (1415 Barton St E, Hamilton ON) for food, drinks and live music to celebrate 55 years of SFE KOLO! Entrance will be $10 for anyone without a concert ticket.
Past Events
KOLO's 50th
Anniversary Weekend
That's a wrap! Thank you everyone so much for all of your support and love the weekend of November 8-10, 2019. Our hearts are so full and we are so proud of everything that we have accomplished. We couldn't have done it without the help of so many people! Our ensemble is so blessed to be able to celebrate this amazing milestone, but sharing that experience with so many amazing people new and old, from far and near makes this so much more special. We have the best community and we hope to continue to show our support to all of you in the future. We also hope to continue to do what we love, which is to continue sharing our culture, traditions and love of our heritage and Serbian folklore with the world and beyond.
A lot of people put in so much work to make this weekend what it was and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
KOLO KOLO Naokolo,
Brze braco amo amo da se skupa poigramo!

KOLO’s most recent achievement has been the participation with the Toronto Raptors /NBA during Serbian Heritage Night, where they have had the privilege to be the half-time show entertainment, over the last ten years. This opportunity has given KOLO an even bigger scale to showcase their talents and Serbian traditions through dance. The recorded performances on You Tube have exceeded 1.5 million combined views by people worldwide.
Најновије достигнуће КОЛА је учешће у оквиру пославе „Српске Вечери“у оквиру НБА утакмице (Торонто Рапторс), у Торонту, где је КОЛО имало привилегију да наступи на полувремену, у последњих десет година. Ова прилика је КОЛУ дала још већи опсег да покаже своје таленте и српску традицију кроз наше народне игре. Снимљени наступи на на друштвеним мрежама су премашили милион и по комбинованих приказа људима широм света.